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Windows 10 Upgrades Will Be Free Even For Software Pirates

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Microsoft has announced that Windows 10 is a free upgrade for the first year for anyone who uses Windows right now. According to The Verge, Microsoft issued a statement that

"Anyone with a qualified device can upgrade to Windows 10, including those with pirated copies of Windows. We believe customers over time will realize the value of properly licensing Windows and we will make it easy for them to move to legitimate copies."

Microsoft has a long history of attempt to deter software piracy and while the plan might seem like rewarding software pirates for bad behavior. Studies have found that pirated Windows licenses are installed on new machines on a lot of cases without customers knowing about it. Windows 10 will be a free upgrade for Windows 7 and Windows 8 users this summer.

BY: Jose Febrero
PHOTO: The Verge
SOURCE: Gizmodo
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